Corsham is close to Chippenham and Melksham rail stations. You can find information about these stations and a map of rail routes at Connecting Wiltshire. There is a direct bus to Chippenham rail station and there is free parking at Melksham station.
Corsham is well placed to travel around Wiltshire and further afield with good connections in Chippenham for a half hourly train service both to London Paddington and Bath and Bristol Temple Meads. Bus routes connect to Chippenham for First Great Western train travel.
Up to date Train timetables can be found here.
Regular bus services also serve the local community with the X31 bus departing Corsham for Bath and Chippenham every half hour.
Up to date timetables for the X31 can be found here.
If you’re planning a trip, Trainline is another useful website that brings together all rail, coach and other travel services in one place so you can get the best prices and smart, real-time travel info on the go.