Located in Church Square, St Bart’s, as it is fondly known, stands out in its scenic setting adjacent to Corsham Court, Corsham Park and the surrounding historic listed buildings of the town centre. It is enclosed by a large churchyard and has featured in Poldark and other films.

St Bart’s commanding tower and spire can be seen from the end of Church Street and the surrounding park land.

The church, Methuen and Fuller Chapels are built onto the original Saxon foundations and were developed through the 12th, 15th and 19th centuries. A major restoration by GE Street in 1875-78 included the repositioning of the tower and spire.

Internal features include the Methuen and Fuller family memorials and the large Tropenell tombs (1475). The Methuen Chapel features a beautiful alabaster effigy of Lady Methuen and a small child. The gorgeous stained-glass windows were created by Kempe and Ninian Comper amongst others.

St Bart’s is open to the public every day.